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A little someones Journey

25 November 2019

A little someone’s Journey….. A little someone’s Journey in my last blog post, I told you a little bit about the OST training course and why I can’t name my dog yet, this is still the case for another month or two. We have now been home for nearly four weeks; this has flown by!… Read more »

A journey

15 November 2019

Hello, welcome to the Journey…….   What an exciting new journey I have been on…. a whole two weeks on an OST (onsite training course). You maybe wonder through the blog; the charity or dog’s name isn’t said this will be released after three months.   Getting my successor assistance dog who I cannot name… Read more »

Disabled time

13 May 2018

Time becomes faster when you can only go slow. I know this because I have experienced both: time goes slow (or a normal speed); and time goes fast. I have taken pride in how fast I can negotiate a busy high street, ‘it’s about maintaining momentum’ I would tell myself, weaving in and out of… Read more »

Photo of Christopher Hartworth

Reflections on work life as a disabled person

13 April 2018

Reflections on work life as a disabled person My name is Caroline MacDonald, and I’m a policy adviser for the Government based in Whitehall but from my accent you can probably tell I’m a Northern lass and I live in Durham. I’ve been asked today to talk a little bit about my personal reflections as… Read more »