Posts Categorized: Reflections

Nothing about us, without us: Not consulted! Not invited!

24 July 2024.

Silenced is how we felt at the celebration! Read why we could not ignore this! Reflections From Blue Plaque Unveiling This reflective piece comes from a small group of disabled activists in the northeast of England who attended the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to Mary Greaves. On a pedestrian walkway in front of a… Read more »

More self-isolation?

24 March 2020.

I have noticed a few social media posts from disabled people along the lines of ‘What are non-disabled people complaining about? Isolation is something I put up with all the time”.  There is little doubt that many of us become isolated as a result of our impairments, or more accurately, because of society’s inability or… Read more »

Disabled time

13 May 2018.

Time becomes faster when you can only go slow. I know this because I have experienced both: time goes slow (or a normal speed); and time goes fast. I have taken pride in how fast I can negotiate a busy high street, ‘it’s about maintaining momentum’ I would tell myself, weaving in and out of… Read more »