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The latest news from Difference.

Locked Down Again – When a café up the road opened, I hoped for a social lifeline, somewhere to meet work colleagues and friends. The reality of visiting the Café, though, left me with a sense of alienation and rejection.

17 October 2023

When a café up the road opened, I hoped for a social lifeline, somewhere to meet work colleagues and friends. The reality of visiting the Café, though, left me with a sense of alienation and rejection. Earlier this year a new café opened near where I live with a hipster-type vibe, with a 10pm licence,… Read more »

Disabled People’s Manifesto

26 September 2023

DPO Forum England, the collective voice of Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations in England, has published the Disabled Peoples Manifesto. The manifesto highlights a list of asks of the next UK government. You can find a link to the full manifesto at the end of this article. The DPO Forum is made up of Deaf… Read more »

What skills do Disabled People have?

20 September 2023

Disabled Researcher, Abby Moses, is looking for participants for her study at Durham University. You can download an Easy Read version here: Disabled People’s skills study- Easy Read Hi, my name is Abby, and I am a Disabled researcher doing a study on what skills Disabled People have. When I first started using a walking… Read more »

Disability Pride: Police and Activism – Activism and Disability – Disability and Policing.

1 August 2023

This week, to round off Disability Pride Month, Difference’s Communications Coordinator talks about direct action in social justice movements, its surveillance, tightening rules around protest, and some implications for Disabled People. Community Organising In my time as a community organiser, I’ve coordinated a significant amount of direct action, most of which aimed at forcing powerful… Read more »

Beyond Lip Service: ‘Doing’ EDI by Sara Chezari

10 July 2023

At Difference, being Disabled workshop leaders, trainers and educators we can face many highs and lows. Often, our own, intersecting experiences of the very subject we are talking about, can go unseen. So, how do we, as facilitators, navigate the world of equity, diversity and inclusion training? We touched on some of the strains of… Read more »

Beyond Lip Service: ‘The Snail and the Shell’ by Bea Groves-McDaniel

10 July 2023

We are almost at the tail end of glut of training here at Difference. We have facilitated lots of learning over the past few months and have reflected on our learning because of that too. We’ve worked with local authorities, housing associations, NHS trusts, heritage sights, and cultural organisations. Most of the time, people want… Read more »

Top Text reads – “What to fight for disability rights? Join Us!" Difference NE. Main title reads "The disability housing crisis" The back ground image is an arial photograph of the Byker Wall, coloured purple

The Disability Housing Crisis

14 June 2023

The Disability Housing Crisis. For the last few decades, various decisions from government has potentially hard baked an increasingly worse disability housing crisis into England’s homes. Even without considering disability, there is a housing crisis in the UK. Landlords are putting up rents, more people cannot afford to buy house buying, and former social housing… Read more »

The Business of Interviews

12 June 2023

In this blog, our Campaigns and Training Coordinator, Bea, shares her experience of our experimentally inclusive recruitment process. Accessibility is an ongoing journey and we’re always willing to try anything new to get it right for folks. Bea is developing our Disability Inclusion at Work training, which you can find more information on here. Inclusive… Read more »