Welcome to the Disability at Work Resource Hub. On these pages you’ll find all sorts of useful information, guidance and practical tips to help make your organisation more inclusive for Disabled employees. In June 2022, Difference North East hosted a ‘Disability at Work’ summit. We invited employers, academics, local authorities and most importantly, Disabled people, to share their experiences of disability and work. One of the key barriers that the group identified was recruitment and selection practices and policies. Participants told us they often experience discrimination at work, and that employers need to work differently if they want to attract and recruit Disabled people.
“Most employers would like to be more inclusive, and would like to access the abundance of skills and experience that’s out there in our Disabled communities.”
We understand it’s not easy. So, we’ve put together this resource hub to help. We’ve gathered really useful, practical tools, guides and resources in one easy place.
And it’s free to use. We just have three asks of you:
- Please use the hub to make a positive change to what you do. Use it to inform your policies and processes to help you become more inclusive.
- Share it. This hub is informed and created by Disabled peoples real experience of work. We want this to be the go-to place for North East employers, so please do shout about it to your colleagues and networks.
- Let us know what you think. What do you find really useful? What else would you like to see added? It’s work in progress so please do let us know your thoughts.
Together, we can make the North East a fairer, more inclusive place for disabled people. Thank you for visiting this hub, we hope it helps.
How to use the hub
You can browse the hub by section or interest by selecting the headings or images below. For example ‘Inclusive Recruitment’ which will take you to all the resources related to that. The resources might include guides, videos, toolkits and articles. We don’t have a search option just yet but as the hub develops, we will make it more functional.